Code of Conduct
Our club has agreed to follow the Swimming Australia Code of conduct. At registration, all members need to sign a copy of our code of conduct. All members and their families must abide by the Code of Conduct of the Geraldton Amateur Swimming Club and any rules of Swimming WA, including the Members Protection Policy. The attitude and behaviour of our swimmers and their families are to be exemplary at all times.
Club Expectations
Our club is committed to providing a safe environment for participation. Aggressive, threatening or other inappropriate behaviours by members, their families, or their friends, or other people while attending training or events will not be tolerated.
These behaviours are outlined below and include:
using bad language
harassing or ridiculing swimmers, coaches, officials, parents or friends
making racist, religious, sexist or other inappropriate comments to swimmers, coaches, officials, parents or friends
any belittling, threatening behaviour or physical altercation between swimmers, coaches, officials, parents or friends
putting undue pressure on children, berating them or putting down their performance
Drinking at an event or training or being drunk at a club event.
What we ask you to do
Help create a positive atmosphere for swimmers, coaches, officials, parents or friends by showing respect for swimmers, coaches, officials, parents or friends
Abide by our club’s Code of Conduct and refrain from using bad language, harassing or ridiculing others or behaving in a threatening or violent manner.
Report any inappropriate behaviour to the club president or someone in a position of authority.
A full copy of the Swimming Australia code of conduct can be found here.
Parents or others found to have behaved inappropriately, and who are associate members or have agreed to abide by our club's Code of Conduct and this policy, may face disciplinary action as outlined in our constitution
Expulsion from the Club
If a member shall infringe any of the Rules of the Club, or in the opinion of the Executive Committee, is guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Club, the Executive Committee shall have power on a resolution carried by a two-thirds majority of the Management Committee, to suspend for any period or expel such member.