The GASC committee is made up of hard-working volunteers, who all have children swimming in the club. The committee is elected each year at our AGM. We always welcome new volunteers and if you are able to help in any way, or would like to be a part of the committee please contact us.
Even if you are not part of the committee, we welcome all parents to our monthly committee meeting held on the last Tuesday of each month at 5.15 pm.
Our current committee is as follows:
Executive Committee
President - Shannon Nicholson
Vice President - Mark White
Secretary - Anna Kosch
A/Treasurer - Fiona Naisbitt
Registrar - Marijke Travasso
Member Liaison - Fiona Naisbitt and Jesse White
General Committee Members:
Donelle Coyle
Peter Coyle
Sangdao Eggleston
Alison Mackie